
$ luftdatenpumpe --help

  luftdatenpumpe networks [--network=<network>]
  luftdatenpumpe stations --network=<network> [options] [--target=<target>]...
  luftdatenpumpe readings --network=<network> [options] [--target=<target>]... [--timespan=<timespan>]
  luftdatenpumpe database --network=<network> [--target=<target>]... [--create-views] [--grant-user=<username>] [--drop-data] [--drop-tables] [--drop-database]
  luftdatenpumpe grafana --network=<network> --kind=<kind> --name=<name> [--variables=<variables>] [--fields=<fields>]
  luftdatenpumpe --version
  luftdatenpumpe (-h | --help)

  --network=<network>           Which sensor network/database to use.
                                Inquire available networks by running "luftdatenpumpe networks".
  --source=<source>             Data source, either "api" or "file://" [default: api].
  --country=<countries>         Filter data by given country codes, comma-separated.
  --station=<stations>          Filter data by given location ids, comma-separated.
  --sensor=<sensors>            Filter data by given sensor ids, comma-separated.
  --sensor-type=<sensor-types>  Filter data by given sensor types, comma-separated.
  --timespan=<timespan>         Filter readings by time range, only for SOS API (e.g. IRCELINE).
  --reverse-geocode             Compute geographic address using the Nominatim reverse geocoder
  --target=<target>             Data output target
  --target-fieldmap=<fieldmap>  Field name mapping for "json+flex" target
  --disable-nominatim-cache     Disable Nominatim reverse geocoder cache
  --progress                    Show progress bar
  --version                     Show version information
  --dry-run                     Skip publishing to MQTT bus
  --debug                       Enable debug messages
  -h --help                     Show this screen

Network list:

  # Display list of supported sensor networks
  luftdatenpumpe networks

Acquire stations (LDI):

  # Display metadata for given countries in JSON format
  luftdatenpumpe stations --network=ldi --country=BE,NL,LU

  # Display metadata for given stations in JSON format, with reverse geocoding
  luftdatenpumpe stations --network=ldi --station=49,1033 --reverse-geocode

Acquire readings (LDI):

  # Display measurement readings for specific station identifiers.
  luftdatenpumpe readings --network=ldi --station=49,1033 --reverse-geocode

  # Display measurement readings for specific sensor identifiers.
  luftdatenpumpe readings --network=ldi --sensor=417

Acquire stations and readings (IRCELINE):

  luftdatenpumpe stations --network=irceline
  luftdatenpumpe readings --network=irceline --station=1030,1751 --reverse-geocode

Acquire stations and readings (OpenAQ):

  luftdatenpumpe stations --network=openaq
  luftdatenpumpe readings --network=openaq --country=IN,PK

Heads up:

  From now on, let's pretend we always want to operate on data coming from the
  sensor network "", which is identified by "--network=ldi". To
  make this more convenient, we use an environment variable to signal this
  to subsequent invocations of "luftdatenpumpe" by running::

    export LDP_NETWORK=ldi

Getting started:

  # Display metadata for given stations in JSON format, with reverse geocoding
  luftdatenpumpe stations --station=49,1033 --reverse-geocode --target=json+stream://sys.stderr

Convert stations into format suitable for Grafana:

  # Display list of stations in JSON format made of value/text items, suitable for use as a Grafana JSON data source
  luftdatenpumpe stations --station=49,1033 --reverse-geocode --target=json.grafana.vt+stream://sys.stdout

  # Display list of stations in JSON format made of key/name items, suitable for use as a mapping in Panodata Map Panel
  luftdatenpumpe stations --station=49,1033 --reverse-geocode

Write stations into / read stations from RDBMS database:

  # Store list of stations and metadata into RDBMS database (PostgreSQL)
  luftdatenpumpe stations --station=49,1033 --reverse-geocode --target=postgresql://luftdatenpumpe@localhost/weatherbase

  # Read station information from RDBMS database (PostgreSQL) and format for Panodata Map Panel
  luftdatenpumpe stations --source=postgresql://luftdatenpumpe@localhost/weatherbase

Live data examples (InfluxDB):

  # Store into InfluxDB running on "localhost"
  luftdatenpumpe readings --station=49,1033 --target=influxdb://localhost/luftdaten_info

  # Store into InfluxDB, with UDP
  luftdatenpumpe readings --station=49,1033 --target=udp+influxdb://localhost:4445/luftdaten_info

  # Store into InfluxDB, with authentication
  luftdatenpumpe readings --station=49,1033 --target=influxdb://luftdatenpumpe@localhost/luftdaten_info

LDI CSV archive data examples (InfluxDB):

  # Mirror archive of, limiting to 2015 only
  wget --mirror --continue --no-host-directories --directory-prefix=/var/spool/ --accept-regex='2015'

  # Ingest station information from CSV archive files, store into PostgreSQL
  luftdatenpumpe stations --network=ldi --source=file:///var/spool/ --target=postgresql://luftdatenpumpe@localhost/weatherbase --reverse-geocode --progress

  # Ingest readings from CSV archive files, store into InfluxDB
  luftdatenpumpe readings --network=ldi --source=file:///var/spool/ --target=influxdb://luftdatenpumpe@localhost/luftdaten_info --progress

  # Ingest most early readings
  luftdatenpumpe readings --network=ldi --source=file:///var/spool/*

  # Ingest most early PMS sensors
  luftdatenpumpe readings --network=ldi --source=file:///var/spool/*/*pms*.csv

Live data examples (MQTT):

  # Publish data to topic "" at MQTT broker running on "localhost"
  luftdatenpumpe readings --station=49,1033 --target=mqtt://localhost/

  # MQTT publishing, with authentication
  luftdatenpumpe readings --station=49,1033 --target=mqtt://username:password@localhost/

Combined examples:

  # Write stations to STDERR and PostgreSQL
  luftdatenpumpe stations --station=49,1033 --target=json+stream://sys.stderr --target=postgresql://luftdatenpumpe@localhost/weatherbase

  # Write readings to STDERR, MQTT, and InfluxDB
  luftdatenpumpe readings --station=49,1033 --target=json+stream://sys.stderr --target=mqtt://localhost/ --target=influxdb://luftdatenpumpe@localhost/luftdaten_info